Unlike traditional management programs, we focus on developing self-awareness in people so that they can better learn to manage their emotions at any given time. We take on the emotional component of work-life head on and give practical skills throughout the course. We take the basic principles of therapy and present them in a coaching format so employees can learn to be decent human beings at work and bring their best selves to life.
Who is right for the series?
Mid and entry-level managers.
C-level employees would benefit from the program and should go through it as well so they can recognize the changes their people are making and understand how their personal work eventually shifts the organizational culture. We’ve seen the benefit of having shared language between all levels of the organization to help deepen the integration of this knowledge. From our experience, everyone benefits from these basic skills.

How is it structured?
When the program is done in the context of an organization- we start and end with group sessions, with eight individual sessions in between.
The group creates a cohort feel and typically consists of 10-12 people in similar positions and rank within the organization.
The group sessions are 1 1/2- 2 hours long while the individual sessions are 45-50 minutes.
We provide a rollout of the program so your HR can prepare participants.
There is an educational and skill building component to every course but there is enough flexibility and time built in to tailor it to a person’s specific goals.
The program information builds on itself and concludes with a comprehensive wrap-up. We have a dedicated website to house a session by session breakdown of material as well as offer a wealth of additional resources.
Not a part of an organization big enough to offer a cohort but still interested?
Let us know and we can match you up with others that are interested and we will form a cohort independent of an organization.